Sunday, August 9, 2009

World's Largest Bird house

The world's largest bird house is in Audubon, Minnesota. It really was not very spectacular. I think I could make a bird house bigger than this one. I won't though because I don't like birds and don't want to give them a place to live but I could. It is located behind the only bar in town beside the liqour store :) I didn't know where it was at first and drove around trying to find it then I saw a woman outside smoking so I thought I would ask her. She wasn't from Audubon and had no idea what I was talking about but suggested I go in and ask the waitress. As I was walking to the door the woman asked again what I was looking for then told me there was a bird house around the corner but it wasn't very big. I went to check it out and turns out that's what I was looking for. The woman and I both agree it shouldn't be a world's largest but it is.

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