Sunday, August 9, 2009

World's Largest Foot

The foot is in Vining, Minnesota as well. Now it frustrates me thinking about it but the man who built all these sculptures in town had a twisted sense of humour I think. It probably frustrates me because I would have done the same thing :) After I visited the park I drove around town trying to find the other sculptures and couldn't find them. It wasn't because the town was super huge or anything I think the population was less then 100. I just think the man hid all the sculptures and wanted you to go on a scavenger hunt for them. I gave up after a while and started driving to my next destination. About 5 minutes down the road I started debating whether or not I should turn around, go back and try again. I did. When I was driving back into town I found the world's largest foot. How I didn't see this I don't know. It was on hwy 210 and I must have drove right past it. There is no information on any of the sculptures in Vining but I've searched on the internet and there is no other sculptures like them so they have to be the world's largest.

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