Tuesday, August 4, 2009

World's Largest Otter

This was the next stop on my trip. The world's largest otter is in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. It is on Grotto Park drive in Adams park just south of hwy 49. His name is Otto (surprize, surprize) and he is 40 feet long. It is right beside some water, I don't know if it's a river, lake or whatever. I didn't stay long to check it out because there was a flock of Canadian geese eyeing me up ready to attack at any time. So I got out of there as fast as possible. I thought it would be fun to climb the otter and slide down it's tail but there is a sign that says you can't climb it boo :( That usually doesn't stop me but the geese were freaking me out. I have heard rumours that there is a larger otter close to this one but I haven't been able to find any information on it so for now Otto is the world's largest otter.

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