Tuesday, August 4, 2009

World's Largest Prairie Chicken

I had to take another detour to get to the prairie chicken. I must say I prefer back roads in my own country because if I get lost here...I'm really lost and it's a little bit scarier. All I have to say is thank goodness for my GPS :) It is actually right beside I-94 but because I detoured away from the highway to see Pelican Pete I had to detour my way back. The prairie chicken is in Rothsay, Minnesota on center street. If you take the exit to Rothsay and turn your head to the right...it's right there. It is 13 feet tall, 18 feet long, and weighs 9000 lbs. It's in a nice little area with picnic tables and stuff so I stopped for lunch. But I've got to say this is the ugliest monuments I've seen yet.

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