Sunday, August 9, 2009

World's Largest Loon

The world's largest loon is in Vergas, Minnesota located in City Park on the north shore of long lake on hwy 228. I've decided to name the loon Larry. Larry is 20 feet tall. He was paid for by the fire department in dedication to the town postmaster. I'm not really sure what a postmaster is but I think it has to do with the post office, that's just my guess though. When I was there I met a couple also visiting Larry and touring world's largest things, but only in Minnesota. They had a very fancy expensive camera and for some reason trusted me to take their picture with it. I really thought that I was going to drop it because I'm not the most graceful person and I was thinking I would have to make a quick get away because there is no way I can afford to pay for it. Luckily nothing happened. They were a nice couple though and had told me that one of them was on their second trip seeing all the world's largest in Minnesota because she saw them all when she was a kid and loved them. I think that's awesome.

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